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Réf : TRI 001

" Gimbayashi, Hélias and Waziniak managed a very nice tribute, certainly for fans of Paul Motian's music, but more generally for any suspected jazz fan. "

Phontas Troussas - Diskorycheion - Greece

"A very beautiful trio recording. In sequences of decelerated and thoughtful notes, with a sure instinct that feels poetry."

Rigobert Dittmann - Bad Alchemy - Germany

" Of course, piano trios are legion, but not everyone chooses to revisit Paul Motian's universe. "

Claude Loxhay - Jazz'halo - Belgium


Réf : TRI 002

"Beyond Marx, Freud and Coca Cola, how erratically molecularized, insectoid, bruitophilic, biotechnoid and electroacoustic shaky, anarchic, xenomorphic, fearlessly crass and carelessly crazy."

Rigobert Dittmann - Bad Alchemy - Germany

"I think that playing this way by incorporating divergent, exogenous or apparently disparate materials while managing to maintain them in this state of suspension of exchanges and entanglement (hah!) While giving this feeling of unstable balance, this dimension of sharing in the ephemeral without redundancy, is not an easy task. A beautiful document of true (free) improvisation far from ready-made ideas."

Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg - Orynx-improvandsounds - Belgium

"This intuitive communication, between musicians, communication with closed eyes, which has the way, the art, the power to keep you, as a listener, on a constant and constant vigilance."

Phontas Troussas - Diskorycheion - Greece


Réf : TRI 003

"More than a "project", an existential and salutary expedition!"

Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg

- Orynx-improvandsounds - Belgium

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"A listening that requires that we leave behind our prejudices and conceptions, as long as what is heard here does not fit into a determined framework."

Jazzmania - Eric Therer

Réf : TRI 004

"Comme l'horreur ukiyo-e se mêle au grotesque artaudesque et au devenir animal de Deleuze/Guattari, le Japon devrait se montrer sous son jour le plus abyssal pour correspondre à cette image."

Bad Alchemy- Rigo Dittmann

Réf : TRI 005

Réf : TRI 006

Point de grands standards du blues rejoués et réarrangés, uniquement de la création en direct, des compositions instantanées comme des tableaux oniriques où l'auditeur, spectateur a une place à prendre et à vivre. A la frontière du théâtre parfois, distillant une musique ultra virtuose, le groupe prépare l'oreille du spectateur, la réinitialise pour lui faire vivre avec intensité la puissance d'un blues universel.

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